When’s the last time you heard, “There’s nothing to fear, but fear itself”? Makes you want to roll your eyes and cluck your teeth, right? Well, what if I told you I’ve discovered how to lifehack fear? You see, it’s not about overcoming fear, it’s about having fear and doing the thing, dream or goal anyway!
It’s important to know that fear can be useful in keeping us out of harm’s way, like not crossing a busy freeway for fear of getting hit by a car. Now that’s a real threat of danger! But more often than not fear is just a construct of our minds, dwelling on our past mistakes or worrying about falling short with future endeavors. Psst! It’s. Not. Real!
The things we fear the most in today’s society is change, uncertainty, and yep, you guessed it – FAILURE.
Busting out of fear and owning your personal power starts with small, short-term goals that you edit and revise over time. It’s a process. For me … these little fear hacks have turned my doubts into opportunities, confidence and unimaginable success.
Stop Overthinking
Most of the times when I find myself stuck in analysis paralysis, I end up procrastinating my tasks into the 12th of never. Which leads to me feeling bad about the things I didn’t do and affirms my fear that I can’t do it. FULL STOP.
Instead, what I’ve learned is to focus on the task and not the outcome. I can’t control the results, but I’m in control of what’s happening in this moment and that is what matters. Keep going anyway.
Celebrate Small Wins
When you stop focusing on everything that’s going wrong in your life and start celebrating the minor achievements such as cooking one meal a day or emailing a prospective client, it builds your confidence.
And when you do this, you begin to shift the narrative in your head from “I can’t” to “I just did!” So, whether it’s as mundane as finishing day one of a 14-day challenge or booking the tickets to your first solo trip, celebrate every single win anyway!
Mindfulness Over Matter
Being mindful is all about refusing to sit stuck with thoughts and emotions that no longer serve you, like last week’s shenanigans with your manager. Or you’re not daydreaming of how hard it would be to leave a relationship that you know you should’ve ended a long time ago.
Being mindful also is about living in the moment and remaining focused on where you are, not where you used to be. You see, mindfulness renders fear powerless because the mind is not hurtling into hurt feelings from the past or projecting worst case scenarios of the future.
It’s right here with you… at your desk finalizing a report on your computer or at the beach having drinks with friends. Negative thoughts will enter your mind, let them come and pass. Return to mindfulness anyway.
Action Creates Momentum
The phrase “get up, get out and get something” tells no lies. As hard as it can be at times to shift from being stuck in your head to taking action, it’s a necessary push. Mel Robbins swears by the 5-second rule – counting down from five to one, then springing into action of whatever needs to be done.
Taking action creates momentum and when you start to put in the work by changing your habits and completing commitments, the universe listens. And before you know it, people, opportunities, ideas and blessings will start to pour into your life. But you have to be willing to take the first step of action.
You may second guess yourself but push forward anyway.
How has fear prevented you from achieving your goals? If so, contact us and let us know how we can help!
It’s time to choose to live on purpose pursuing your passion! Fear is no excuse. Your destiny is calling for you to step out on faith anyway! “30 Days to Launch” will teach you how to manifest those big dreams you’ve been holding back, set them free and believe in your limitlessness to succeed! You’re just one click away!